Empowering and Celebrating All Body Types Through Boudoir Photography: Tips and Techniques for Photographing Plus Size Individuals and Couples

  1. Boudoir photography for plus size
  2. Body positivity in boudoir photography
  3. Empowering and celebrating all body types through boudoir photography

Boudoir photography is a beautiful and empowering art form that celebrates the human body in all its forms. It allows individuals to express their unique beauty and embrace their bodies without judgment or shame. In today's society, there is a growing movement towards body positivity and inclusivity, and boudoir photography plays a crucial role in this movement. It gives plus size individuals and couples the opportunity to see themselves in a different light, to feel confident and sexy, and to celebrate their bodies in a way that society often fails to do.

In this article, we will explore the power of boudoir photography for plus size individuals and couples, and how it can be used as a tool for empowerment and celebration. We will also provide tips and techniques for photographers to capture the beauty of plus size bodies in boudoir photos, as well as shed light on the importance of body positivity in this genre of photography. So, whether you are a plus size individual looking to do a boudoir photo shoot, or a photographer wanting to expand your skills and understanding of inclusivity, this article is for you. Get ready to embrace and celebrate all body types through the lens of boudoir photography. When photographing plus size individuals and couples, it is important to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

Each person is unique and should be celebrated for their individuality. Here are some tips to keep in mind when photographing plus size clients:1.Poses: When posing plus size individuals and couples, avoid traditional poses that may not flatter their body type. Instead, focus on poses that accentuate their curves and showcase their personality. Encourage them to move around and find their most flattering angles.


Lighting can play a huge role in how a plus size individual or couple is portrayed in a photo. Soft, diffused lighting can help to create a more flattering and natural look, while harsh lighting can cast unflattering shadows.

Experiment with different lighting techniques to find what works best for each client.


Encourage your clients to bring a variety of wardrobe options, including form-fitting outfits that showcase their curves. Be sure to have a discussion with them beforehand about what they are comfortable wearing and what makes them feel confident.


Plus size individuals and couples may have specific areas of their face or body that they want to highlight or downplay. Communicate with your clients about their preferences and work with them to create a makeup look that makes them feel beautiful and comfortable in their own skin.


When editing photos, be mindful of not over-editing or manipulating the body shape of your plus size clients. Focus on enhancing their natural features and showcasing their unique beauty. For more advanced techniques, consider experimenting with different camera angles, using props to add dimension to the photo, or incorporating movement into the shoot.

Keep in mind that every client is different, so it is important to communicate with them and make them feel comfortable throughout the entire process. Capturing the beauty of all body types through boudoir photography is an empowering and celebratory experience. As photographers, it is important to understand how to make all clients feel comfortable and confident in front of the camera. This article has covered tips and techniques for photographing plus size individuals and couples, as well as promoting body positivity through boudoir photography.

Advanced Techniques for Photographing Plus Size Clients

When it comes to photographing plus size clients, it is important to experiment with different techniques to capture their unique beauty and personality. This not only creates stunning photos, but also helps clients feel comfortable and confident in front of the camera. One technique that can make a big difference is playing with different camera angles.

Instead of shooting straight on, try shooting from above or below to create interesting and flattering perspectives. This can help accentuate certain features and downplay others, depending on what the client is comfortable with. Props can also be a fun way to add dimension to boudoir photos. For plus size clients, consider using larger props or clothing items that can help create a sense of scale and balance in the photo. This can also add a touch of playfulness and personality to the images. Movement is another key element to consider when photographing plus size clients.

Encourage them to move around and try different poses, as this can help bring out their natural beauty and confidence. It can also add a sense of flow and fluidity to the photos, making them more dynamic and visually appealing.

Lighting Techniques for Plus Size Photography

When it comes to photographing plus size individuals and couples, lighting can make all the difference in showcasing their natural beauty. As photographers, it is important to understand how to use lighting to enhance their features and create stunning images that celebrate their body types. One of the most important things to consider when lighting plus size individuals is to avoid harsh, direct light. This can create unflattering shadows and highlight any imperfections or insecurities.

Instead, opt for soft, diffused light that will create a more flattering and even look. Another technique is to use backlighting, which can help to create depth and dimension in the photo. This can be achieved by placing a light source behind the subject, whether it be a window or a studio light, and positioning yourself in front of them to capture the shot. Additionally, using reflectors can help to soften harsh shadows and add a beautiful glow to the subject's skin. Reflectors can also be used to bounce light onto specific areas of the body that you want to highlight. Lastly, don't be afraid to play with different angles and lighting setups. Experimenting with different techniques can lead to unique and stunning results.

And always remember to communicate with your clients and make them feel comfortable and confident throughout the entire process.

Posing Tips for Plus Size Individuals and Couples

When it comes to boudoir photography, posing is key to capturing the beauty of all body types. For plus size individuals and couples, it is important to find poses that are both flattering and empowering. Here are some tips to help you find the most flattering poses for your plus size clients.

1.Emphasize curves

Posing is all about creating lines and angles that highlight the subject's best features. For plus size individuals, this can mean emphasizing their curves.

Encourage your clients to arch their backs, cross their legs, or place their hands on their hips to accentuate their curves.

2.Use props

Props can add depth and interest to boudoir photos, but they can also be used strategically to create flattering poses for plus size clients. For example, a chair or couch can be used to create a sitting pose that shows off curves while also providing support for the client's weight.

3.Focus on the face

While posing the body is important, don't forget about capturing the client's face. Encourage them to make eye contact with the camera, tilt their head, or smile to add personality and confidence to the photo.

4.Avoid straight-on shots

Straight-on shots can sometimes make plus size individuals look wider than they are. Instead, try shooting from above or below, or experiment with different angles to find the most flattering shot.

5.Be mindful of comfort

Above all, it's important to make sure your plus size clients feel comfortable and confident during the photoshoot.

Always communicate with them and ask for their input on poses, and be open to adjusting or changing poses if they are not comfortable.

Wardrobe Options for Plus Size Clients

When it comes to boudoir photography for plus size clients, wardrobe options play a crucial role in capturing their beauty and confidence. As photographers, it is important to encourage clients to bring form-fitting outfits that showcase their curves. This not only helps to accentuate their natural body shape, but it also allows them to feel comfortable and confident in their own skin. Form-fitting outfits can range from lingerie, bodysuits, corsets, and even tight-fitting dresses. These types of outfits can help to highlight curves, create a sense of sensuality, and ultimately make the client feel empowered. It is also important to remind clients that there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to boudoir photography.

Every body type is unique and beautiful, and it is our job as photographers to celebrate and capture that beauty. Encouraging clients to bring a variety of outfit options can help to ensure that the photoshoot captures their true essence.

Makeup Tips for Plus Size Photography

Capturing the beauty of all body types through boudoir photography is an empowering and celebratory experience. When working with plus size individuals and couples, it is crucial to have a good understanding of makeup techniques that can enhance their features and make them feel their best. Here are some tips for creating a makeup look that will make your plus size clients feel confident and beautiful.

1.Highlight and Contour

- One of the most important techniques in makeup for plus size photography is highlighting and contouring.

This technique can help define and enhance facial features, making them appear more balanced and proportionate. Use a light shade to highlight areas such as the top of the cheekbones, bridge of the nose, and center of the forehead. Then, use a darker shade to contour areas such as the jawline, sides of the nose, and under the cheekbones.

2.Focus on the Eyes

- The eyes are the windows to the soul, and they can be a powerful tool in photography. When working with plus size clients, focus on enhancing their eyes with makeup.

Use neutral or warm tones on the eyelids to make them appear larger and more defined. You can also add false lashes or use mascara to add volume and length to the lashes.

3.Embrace Bold Lip Colors

- Plus size individuals often shy away from bold lip colors, but these shades can actually be very flattering in photography. Bold reds, pinks, and purples can add a pop of color to a photo and draw attention to the lips. Just make sure to line the lips with a lip liner first to prevent any bleeding or feathering.

4.Use a Matte Finish

- When it comes to foundation and concealer, opt for a matte finish rather than a dewy one.

This will help control shine and prevent any areas of the face from appearing too oily or greasy in photos. Plus, matte finishes tend to last longer and provide better coverage.

5.Don't Forget the Neck and Chest

- When photographing plus size individuals, it is important to pay attention to not just their face, but also their neck and chest. Make sure to blend foundation and other makeup products down onto the neck and chest to create a seamless look. This will prevent any noticeable color differences between the face and body. By working with your plus size clients to create a makeup look that makes them feel confident and beautiful, you can help boost their self-esteem and capture stunning photos that celebrate all body types. Boudoir photography is about capturing the beauty and confidence of all body types.

By following these tips and techniques, you can empower and celebrate plus size individuals and couples through your photography. Remember to always communicate with your clients and make them feel comfortable in front of the camera.