Best Times of Day for Natural Light Boudoir Shoots: Tips and Techniques

  1. Boudoir lighting techniques
  2. Natural light
  3. Best times of day for natural light boudoir shoots

If you're a boudoir photographer, you know that lighting is everything when it comes to capturing beautiful, natural-looking images. And while there are many lighting techniques and tools available, nothing beats the soft, flattering glow of natural light. But as any photographer knows, natural light is constantly changing throughout the day, and not all times are created equal when it comes to boudoir shoots. That's why we're here to share our top tips and techniques for finding the best times of day for natural light boudoir shoots.

Whether you're shooting in a studio or outdoors, read on to discover how to make the most of this magical lighting for your boudoir sessions. So grab your camera and get ready to learn!First, let's discuss why natural light is important for boudoir photography. Unlike artificial light, natural light is softer and more flattering, making for more sensual and romantic images. It also allows for more creativity in terms of posing and composition.

So, it's no wonder that many photographers prefer to shoot boudoir sessions using natural light. Now, let's dive into the best times of day for natural light boudoir shoots. Generally, the ideal times are during the golden hour - which is the hour before sunset - and the blue hour - which is the hour after sunrise. During these times, the sun is lower in the sky and provides a warm, soft light that is perfect for boudoir photography. Keep in mind that these times may vary depending on your location and the season, so be sure to research and plan accordingly. Another important factor to consider is the direction of light.

During the golden and blue hours, the sun is at a lower angle, which creates more flattering shadows on your subject. Shooting with the light behind your subject can create a beautiful halo effect, while shooting with the light coming from the side can add depth and dimension to your images. Experiment with different angles and positions to see what works best for your specific shoot. For those who are just starting out in boudoir photography, it's important to keep in mind that natural light can change quickly. It's important to be prepared and work quickly to capture the perfect shots.

One tip is to have your camera settings ready beforehand so you can easily adjust as needed. Additionally, using a reflector or diffuser can help control the natural light and create softer shadows on your subject. Now, let's discuss some tips specifically for couples and plus size individuals. When shooting couples, it's important to consider both people's comfort levels and angles that flatter both of them. Shooting from above or below can often be more flattering than straight on.

For plus size individuals, shooting from above or using poses that elongate the body can help create more flattering images. It's also important to communicate with your clients and make them feel comfortable and confident throughout the shoot. In terms of wardrobe, makeup, and editing, there are many factors to consider when it comes to boudoir photography. However, when shooting with natural light, it's important to keep things simple and natural. Opt for light and flowy fabrics that will catch the light beautifully, and use minimal makeup to enhance your subject's natural features.

During editing, you can add more depth and warmth to your images by adjusting the shadows and highlights. To summarize, the best times of day for natural light boudoir shoots are during the golden and blue hours. Be sure to consider the direction of light and be prepared to work quickly to capture the perfect shots. For couples and plus size individuals, use poses and angles that flatter both parties, and keep wardrobe, makeup, and editing simple and natural.

The Importance of Natural Light

When it comes to boudoir photography, lighting is crucial in setting the mood and capturing the right atmosphere. And when it comes to natural light, it can make all the difference in creating beautiful and intimate boudoir shots. Natural light is the most flattering and versatile type of lighting for boudoir photography.

It adds depth, warmth, and softness to the photos, creating a natural and ethereal feel. Unlike artificial lighting, which can be harsh and unflattering, natural light is more forgiving and can enhance the subject's features in a more natural way. In boudoir photography, the goal is to capture the beauty and intimacy of the subject in an authentic and sensual way. And natural light plays a crucial role in achieving this. It can create a soft and romantic ambiance, highlighting the subject's features and bringing out their natural glow. Moreover, natural light can also help create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere during boudoir shoots.

Unlike artificial lighting, which can be distracting and intimidating, natural light is more subtle and gentle. It allows the subject to feel at ease, which translates into more natural and effortless poses. Overall, the importance of natural light in boudoir photography cannot be overstated. It sets the tone, enhances the subject's features, and creates a comfortable atmosphere for both the photographer and the subject. So when planning your next boudoir shoot, make sure to consider the time of day for capturing that perfect natural light.

Tips for Couples and Plus Size Individuals

When it comes to boudoir photography, capturing the perfect natural light shots can be a challenge.

But, with the right techniques and tips, you can flatter every subject, including couples and plus size individuals. The first tip is to find a location with ample natural light. This can be a room with large windows or an outdoor setting with plenty of open space. Natural light helps to create a soft and flattering look on all body types. Next, it's important to communicate with your subjects. Make them feel comfortable and confident by giving them posing direction that flatters their unique body shapes and sizes.

Encourage them to try different poses and angles to find the most flattering ones. Another useful tip is to play with shadows. Natural light can create beautiful shadows that can help to accentuate curves and create depth in the photo. Experiment with different lighting angles to see which ones work best for your subject. Lastly, post-processing can also play a big role in flattering every subject. Use editing techniques such as dodging and burning to enhance certain areas and create a more balanced look.

The Best Times of Day for Natural Light Boudoir Shoots

When it comes to boudoir photography, natural light can make all the difference in capturing stunning and intimate shots.

But as any photographer knows, the right lighting can be a challenge to find. That's why understanding the best times of day for natural light boudoir shoots is crucial for achieving the perfect shot. One of the most sought-after times for natural light photography is during the golden hour, which occurs during the first hour of sunlight in the morning and the last hour of sunlight in the evening. During this time, the sun is low in the sky, creating a soft and warm glow that is perfect for boudoir shoots. The light is also more flattering, creating softer shadows and a more romantic atmosphere. Another great time to shoot with natural light is during the blue hour, which happens right before sunrise and after sunset.

This is when the sky takes on a deep blue color, providing a unique and moody backdrop for your boudoir shots. The soft light during this time also creates a dreamy and ethereal feel to your photos. When shooting during these hours, it's important to keep in mind that the light changes quickly, so you'll need to work fast and be prepared to adjust your settings accordingly. It's also helpful to have a reflector on hand to bounce light onto your subject and fill in any harsh shadows.

Wardrobe, Makeup, and Editing

When it comes to boudoir photography, natural light can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it can create stunning, soft images that perfectly capture the mood and essence of the shoot.

On the other hand, it can also be unpredictable and difficult to work with. That's why it's important to simplify your approach when it comes to wardrobe, makeup, and editing for natural light boudoir shoots. By keeping things minimal and natural, you can enhance the beauty of your subject and create images that are truly breathtaking.


When it comes to wardrobe for natural light boudoir shoots, less is definitely more. Opt for simple, flowing fabrics in neutral colors like white, cream, or pastels. These colors will reflect the natural light and create a soft, dreamy look.

Avoid bold patterns or bright colors, as they can be distracting and take away from the overall mood of the shoot. Additionally, choose clothing that flatters your subject's body type and enhances their natural curves. This will not only make them feel more comfortable and confident during the shoot, but also create more visually appealing images.


Similar to wardrobe, keeping makeup minimal and natural is key for natural light boudoir shoots. A fresh-faced look with light foundation, soft blush, and neutral eyeshadow is perfect for capturing the soft, natural light. Avoid heavy contouring or bold lip colors that can look harsh in natural light. Also, consider using products with a matte finish to avoid any shine or glare from the natural light.

And don't forget to touch up throughout the shoot to ensure your subject looks their best in every shot.


When it comes to editing for natural light boudoir shoots, less is more. Instead of heavily editing and manipulating the image, focus on enhancing the natural light and softening any harsh shadows. This will create a more authentic and organic look to the images. Additionally, avoid using filters or presets that can alter the natural lighting in the image. Stick to basic adjustments like brightness, contrast, and color temperature to maintain the integrity of the natural light in your shots. By understanding the best times of day for natural light boudoir shoots, you can elevate your photography skills and capture stunning images.

Remember to plan ahead and be prepared to work quickly, and don't be afraid to experiment with different angles and poses. With these tips, you're sure to create beautiful and romantic boudoir shots.